Type Aliases
- CellBase
- CellComponent
- CellComponentProps
- CellDescriptor
- ColumnIndicatorComponent
- ColumnIndicatorProps
- CornerIndicatorComponent
- CornerIndicatorProps
- DataEditorComponent
- DataEditorProps
- DataViewerComponent
- DataViewerProps
- Dimensions
- HeaderRowComponent
- HeaderRowProps
- Matrix
- Mode
- Point
- Props
- RowComponent
- RowIndicatorComponent
- RowIndicatorProps
- RowProps
- TableComponent
- TableProps
Type Aliases
Type parameters
- Value = any
Type declaration
optionalDataEditor?: DataEditorComponent<CellBase<Value>>
Custom component to render when the cell is edited, if not defined would default to the component defined for the Spreadsheet
optionalDataViewer?: DataViewerComponent<CellBase<Value>>
Custom component to render when the cell is viewed, if not defined would default to the component defined for the Spreadsheet
optionalclassName?: string
Class to be given for the cell element
optionalreadOnly?: boolean
Whether the cell should not be editable
value: Value
The value of the cell
Type of Spreadsheet Cell component props
Type declaration
DataViewer: DataViewerComponent<Cell>
The DataViewer component to be used by the cell
activate: (point: Point) => void
Activate the cell at the given point
point: Point
Returns void
active: boolean
Whether the cell is active
column: number
The column of the cell
copied: boolean
Whether the cell is copied
data: Cell | undefined
The data of the cell
dragging: boolean
Whether the user is dragging
evaluatedData: Cell | undefined
The evaluated data of the cell
mode: Mode
The mode of the cell
row: number
The row of the cell
select: (point: Point) => void
Select the cell at the given point
point: Point
Returns void
selected: boolean
Whether the cell is selected
setCellData: (cell: Cell) => void
Set data of the cell
cell: Cell
Returns void
setCellDimensions: (point: Point, dimensions: Dimensions) => void
Set the dimensions of the cell at the given point with the given dimensions
point: Point
dimensions: Dimensions
Returns void
A cell with it's coordinates
Type parameters
- Cell
Type of the ColumnIndicator component
Type of the Spreadsheet ColumnIndicator component props
Type declaration
column: number
The column the indicator indicates
optionallabel?: React.ReactNode | null
A custom label for the indicator as provided in columnLabels
onSelect: (column: number, extend: boolean) => void
Callback to be called when the column is selected
column: number
extend: boolean
Returns void
selected: boolean
Whether the entire column in selected
Type of the CornerIndicator component
Type of the Spreadsheet CornerIndicator component props
Type declaration
onSelect: () => void
Callback to select the entire table
Returns void
selected: boolean
Whether the entire table is selected
Dimensions of an element
Type declaration
height: number
The element's height in pixels
left: number
The distance of the element from it's container left border in pixels
top: number
The distance of the element from it's container top border in pixels
width: number
The element's width in pixels
Type of the HeaderRow component
Type of the Spreadsheet HeaderRow component props
A two-dimensional array of given type T in rows and columns
Type parameters
- T
The spreadsheet's write mode
A cell coordinates in the spreadsheet
Type declaration
column: number
The cell's column
row: number
The cell's row
The Spreadsheet component props
Type parameters
- CellType: Types.CellBase
Type declaration
optionalCell?: Types.CellComponent<CellType>
The Spreadsheet's cell component.
optionalColumnIndicator?: Types.ColumnIndicatorComponent
Component rendered above each column.
optionalCornerIndicator?: Types.CornerIndicatorComponent
Component rendered in the corner of row and column indicators.
optionalDataEditor?: Types.DataEditorComponent<CellType>
Component rendered for cells in edit mode.
optionalDataViewer?: Types.DataViewerComponent<CellType>
Component rendered for cells in view mode.
optionalHeaderRow?: Types.HeaderRowComponent
The spreadsheet's header row component
optionalRow?: Types.RowComponent
The Spreadsheet's row component.
optionalRowIndicator?: Types.RowIndicatorComponent
Component rendered next to each row.
optionalTable?: Types.TableComponent
The Spreadsheet's table component.
optionalclassName?: string
Class name to be added to the spreadsheet's root element
optionalcolumnLabels?: string[]
Labels to use in column indicators.
optionalcreateFormulaParser?: Types.CreateFormulaParser
Function used to create the formula parser (instance of "fast-formula-parser") used by the Spreadsheet by getting the spreadsheet's data.
optionaldarkMode?: boolean
Use dark colors that complement dark mode
data: Matrix.Matrix<CellType>
The spreadsheet's data
optionalhideColumnIndicators?: boolean
If set to true, hides the column indicators of the spreadsheet.
optionalhideRowIndicators?: boolean
If set to true, hides the row indicators of the spreadsheet.
optionalonActivate?: (active: Point.Point) => void
Callback called when Spreadsheet's active cell changes.
active: Point.Point
Returns void
optionalonBlur?: () => void
Callback called when the Spreadsheet loses focus
Returns void
optionalonCellCommit?: (prevCell: null | CellType, nextCell: null | CellType, coords: null | Point.Point) => void
prevCell: null | CellType
nextCell: null | CellType
coords: null | Point.Point
Returns void
optionalonChange?: (data: Matrix.Matrix<CellType>) => void
Callback called when the Spreadsheet's data changes.
data: Matrix.Matrix<CellType>
Returns void
optionalonEvaluatedDataChange?: (data: Matrix.Matrix<CellType>) => void
Callback called when the Spreadsheet's evaluated data changes.
data: Matrix.Matrix<CellType>
Returns void
optionalonKeyDown?: (event: React.KeyboardEvent) => void
Callback called on key down inside the spreadsheet.
event: React.KeyboardEvent
Returns void
optionalonModeChange?: (mode: Types.Mode) => void
Callback called when the Spreadsheet's edit mode changes.
mode: Types.Mode
Returns void
optionalonSelect?: (selected: Selection) => void
Callback called when the Spreadsheet's selection changes.
selected: Selection
Returns void
optionalrowLabels?: string[]
Labels to use in row indicators.
optionalselected?: Selection
The selected cells in the worksheet.
Type of the Row component
Type of the RowIndicator component
Type of the Spreadsheet RowIndicator component props
Type declaration
optionallabel?: React.ReactNode | null
A custom label for the indicator as provided in rowLabels
onSelect: (row: number, extend: boolean) => void
Callback to be called when the row is selected
row: number
extend: boolean
Returns void
row: number
The row the indicator indicates
selected: boolean
Whether the entire row is selected
Type of the Spreadsheet Row component props
Type of the Spreadsheet Table component
Type of the Spreadsheet Table component props
The base type of cell data in Spreadsheet