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Type Aliases


CellBase<Value>: { DataEditor?: DataEditorComponent<CellBase<Value>>; DataViewer?: DataViewerComponent<CellBase<Value>>; className?: string; readOnly?: boolean; value: Value }

The base type of cell data in Spreadsheet

Type parameters

  • Value = any

Type declaration

  • optionalDataEditor?: DataEditorComponent<CellBase<Value>>

    Custom component to render when the cell is edited, if not defined would default to the component defined for the Spreadsheet

  • optionalDataViewer?: DataViewerComponent<CellBase<Value>>

    Custom component to render when the cell is viewed, if not defined would default to the component defined for the Spreadsheet

  • optionalclassName?: string

    Class to be given for the cell element

  • optionalreadOnly?: boolean

    Whether the cell should not be editable

  • value: Value

    The value of the cell


CellComponent<Cell>: React.ComponentType<CellComponentProps<Cell>>

Type of the Spreadsheet Cell component

Type parameters


CellComponentProps<Cell>: { DataViewer: DataViewerComponent<Cell>; activate: (point: Point) => void; active: boolean; column: number; copied: boolean; data: Cell | undefined; dragging: boolean; evaluatedData: Cell | undefined; mode: Mode; row: number; select: (point: Point) => void; selected: boolean; setCellData: (cell: Cell) => void; setCellDimensions: (point: Point, dimensions: Dimensions) => void }

Type of Spreadsheet Cell component props

Type parameters

Type declaration

  • DataViewer: DataViewerComponent<Cell>

    The DataViewer component to be used by the cell

  • activate: (point: Point) => void
      • Activate the cell at the given point


        Returns void

  • active: boolean

    Whether the cell is active

  • column: number

    The column of the cell

  • copied: boolean

    Whether the cell is copied

  • data: Cell | undefined

    The data of the cell

  • dragging: boolean

    Whether the user is dragging

  • evaluatedData: Cell | undefined

    The evaluated data of the cell

  • mode: Mode

    The mode of the cell

  • row: number

    The row of the cell

  • select: (point: Point) => void
      • Select the cell at the given point


        Returns void

  • selected: boolean

    Whether the cell is selected

  • setCellData: (cell: Cell) => void
      • (cell: Cell): void
      • Set data of the cell


        • cell: Cell

        Returns void

  • setCellDimensions: (point: Point, dimensions: Dimensions) => void
      • Set the dimensions of the cell at the given point with the given dimensions


        Returns void


CellDescriptor<Cell>: { data: Cell | undefined } & Point

A cell with it’s coordinates


the component does not use cell descriptors anymore. Instead it passes cell point and cell value explicitly.

Type parameters

  • Cell


ColumnIndicatorComponent: React.ComponentType<ColumnIndicatorProps>

Type of the ColumnIndicator component


ColumnIndicatorProps: { column: number; label?: React.ReactNode | null; onSelect: (column: number, extend: boolean) => void; selected: boolean }

Type of the Spreadsheet ColumnIndicator component props

Type declaration

  • column: number

    The column the indicator indicates

  • optionallabel?: React.ReactNode | null

    A custom label for the indicator as provided in columnLabels

  • onSelect: (column: number, extend: boolean) => void
      • (column: number, extend: boolean): void
      • Callback to be called when the column is selected


        • column: number
        • extend: boolean

        Returns void

  • selected: boolean

    Whether the entire column in selected


CornerIndicatorComponent: React.ComponentType<CornerIndicatorProps>

Type of the CornerIndicator component


CornerIndicatorProps: { onSelect: () => void; selected: boolean }

Type of the Spreadsheet CornerIndicator component props

Type declaration

  • onSelect: () => void
      • (): void
      • Callback to select the entire table

        Returns void

  • selected: boolean

    Whether the entire table is selected


DataEditorComponent<Cell>: React.ComponentType<DataEditorProps<Cell>>

Type of the Spreadsheet DataEditor component

Type parameters


DataEditorProps<Cell>: DataComponentProps<Cell> & { exitEditMode: () => void; onChange: (cell: Cell) => void }

Type of the Spreadsheet DataEditor component props

Type parameters


DataViewerComponent<Cell>: React.ComponentType<DataViewerProps<Cell>>

Type of the Spreadsheet DataViewer component

Type parameters


DataViewerProps<Cell>: DataComponentProps<Cell> & { evaluatedCell: Cell | undefined; setCellData: (cell: Cell) => void }

Type of the Spreadsheet DataViewer component props

Type parameters


Dimensions: { height: number; left: number; top: number; width: number }

Dimensions of an element

Type declaration

  • height: number

    The element’s height in pixels

  • left: number

    The distance of the element from it’s container left border in pixels

  • top: number

    The distance of the element from it’s container top border in pixels

  • width: number

    The element’s width in pixels


HeaderRowComponent: React.ComponentType<HeaderRowProps>

Type of the HeaderRow component


HeaderRowProps: React.PropsWithChildren<{}>

Type of the Spreadsheet HeaderRow component props


Matrix<T>: (T | undefined)[][]

A two-dimensional array of given type T in rows and columns

Type parameters

  • T


Mode: view | edit

The spreadsheet’s write mode


Point: { column: number; row: number }

A cell coordinates in the spreadsheet

Type declaration

  • column: number

    The cell’s column

  • row: number

    The cell’s row


Props<CellType>: { Cell?: Types.CellComponent<CellType>; ColumnIndicator?: Types.ColumnIndicatorComponent; CornerIndicator?: Types.CornerIndicatorComponent; DataEditor?: Types.DataEditorComponent<CellType>; DataViewer?: Types.DataViewerComponent<CellType>; HeaderRow?: Types.HeaderRowComponent; Row?: Types.RowComponent; RowIndicator?: Types.RowIndicatorComponent; Table?: Types.TableComponent; className?: string; columnLabels?: string[]; createFormulaParser?: Types.CreateFormulaParser; darkMode?: boolean; data: Matrix.Matrix<CellType>; hideColumnIndicators?: boolean; hideRowIndicators?: boolean; onActivate?: (active: Point.Point) => void; onBlur?: () => void; onCellCommit?: (prevCell: null | CellType, nextCell: null | CellType, coords: null | Point.Point) => void; onChange?: (data: Matrix.Matrix<CellType>) => void; onEvaluatedDataChange?: (data: Matrix.Matrix<CellType>) => void; onKeyDown?: (event: React.KeyboardEvent) => void; onModeChange?: (mode: Types.Mode) => void; onSelect?: (selected: Selection) => void; rowLabels?: string[]; selected?: Selection }

The Spreadsheet component props

Type parameters

Type declaration

  • optionalCell?: Types.CellComponent<CellType>

    The Spreadsheet’s cell component.

  • optionalColumnIndicator?: Types.ColumnIndicatorComponent

    Component rendered above each column.

  • optionalCornerIndicator?: Types.CornerIndicatorComponent

    Component rendered in the corner of row and column indicators.

  • optionalDataEditor?: Types.DataEditorComponent<CellType>

    Component rendered for cells in edit mode.

  • optionalDataViewer?: Types.DataViewerComponent<CellType>

    Component rendered for cells in view mode.

  • optionalHeaderRow?: Types.HeaderRowComponent

    The spreadsheet’s header row component

  • optionalRow?: Types.RowComponent

    The Spreadsheet’s row component.

  • optionalRowIndicator?: Types.RowIndicatorComponent

    Component rendered next to each row.

  • optionalTable?: Types.TableComponent

    The Spreadsheet’s table component.

  • optionalclassName?: string

    Class name to be added to the spreadsheet’s root element

  • optionalcolumnLabels?: string[]

    Labels to use in column indicators.


    alphabetical labels.

  • optionalcreateFormulaParser?: Types.CreateFormulaParser

    Function used to create the formula parser (instance of “fast-formula-parser”) used by the Spreadsheet by getting the spreadsheet’s data.


    function which creates a formula parser bound to the Spreadsheet’s data.

  • optionaldarkMode?: boolean

    Use dark colors that complement dark mode



  • data: Matrix.Matrix<CellType>

    The spreadsheet’s data

  • optionalhideColumnIndicators?: boolean

    If set to true, hides the column indicators of the spreadsheet.



  • optionalhideRowIndicators?: boolean

    If set to true, hides the row indicators of the spreadsheet.



  • optionalonActivate?: (active: Point.Point) => void
      • Callback called when Spreadsheet’s active cell changes.


        Returns void

  • optionalonBlur?: () => void
      • (): void
      • Callback called when the Spreadsheet loses focus

        Returns void

  • optionalonCellCommit?: (prevCell: null | CellType, nextCell: null | CellType, coords: null | Point.Point) => void
      • (prevCell: null | CellType, nextCell: null | CellType, coords: null | Point.Point): void
      • Parameters

        • prevCell: null | CellType
        • nextCell: null | CellType
        • coords: null | Point.Point

        Returns void

  • optionalonChange?: (data: Matrix.Matrix<CellType>) => void
      • Callback called when the Spreadsheet’s data changes.


        Returns void

  • optionalonEvaluatedDataChange?: (data: Matrix.Matrix<CellType>) => void
      • Callback called when the Spreadsheet’s evaluated data changes.


        Returns void

  • optionalonKeyDown?: (event: React.KeyboardEvent) => void
      • (event: React.KeyboardEvent): void
      • Callback called on key down inside the spreadsheet.


        • event: React.KeyboardEvent

        Returns void

  • optionalonModeChange?: (mode: Types.Mode) => void
      • Callback called when the Spreadsheet’s edit mode changes.


        Returns void

  • optionalonSelect?: (selected: Selection) => void
      • Callback called when the Spreadsheet’s selection changes.


        Returns void

  • optionalrowLabels?: string[]

    Labels to use in row indicators.


    row index labels.

  • optionalselected?: Selection

    The selected cells in the worksheet.


RowComponent: React.ComponentType<RowProps>

Type of the Row component


RowIndicatorComponent: React.ComponentType<RowIndicatorProps>

Type of the RowIndicator component


RowIndicatorProps: { label?: React.ReactNode | null; onSelect: (row: number, extend: boolean) => void; row: number; selected: boolean }

Type of the Spreadsheet RowIndicator component props

Type declaration

  • optionallabel?: React.ReactNode | null

    A custom label for the indicator as provided in rowLabels

  • onSelect: (row: number, extend: boolean) => void
      • (row: number, extend: boolean): void
      • Callback to be called when the row is selected


        • row: number
        • extend: boolean

        Returns void

  • row: number

    The row the indicator indicates

  • selected: boolean

    Whether the entire row is selected


RowProps: React.PropsWithChildren<{ row: number }>

Type of the Spreadsheet Row component props


TableComponent: React.ComponentType<TableProps>

Type of the Spreadsheet Table component


TableProps: React.PropsWithChildren<{ columns: number; hideColumnIndicators?: boolean | null }>

Type of the Spreadsheet Table component props